I love using just a serum in my damp hair after the shower and letting it air dry. That way I get lovely natural waves and I don't have to spend a lot of time on my hair and can focus on more important things like sleeping in or reading a romance novel or scrolling instagram. The hair serum I am using is Hypnotik Hair from 1 am Beauty (check out my other post about it: Product Review ). I have been very happy with it and plan on finishing the bottle!
Obviously this is not my hair 100% in its natural state, because red is not my natural hair color. Most of you know this if you have known me longer than a year or have checked out some of my posts from further back. I have finally made the decision to go back to my natural color. That way if I do want that red back I will use my temp color from Clairol to jazz things up!
It's not that I don't love the red, I definitely do! I just don't like that I can't go back and forth between the blonde and red as easily as I used to. Another aspect of this permanent red hair is the touch up. It is getting to be too much and I have gotten lazy, so now I have the lovely blonde roots majorly showing.
Over a full year of being a red head has been wonderful and I am so glad I tried the permanent red. I felt spunkier and more vibrant. Maybe it was because I was becoming more confident in my business or maybe it really was just the red hair (we may never know). But it is time. Granted my natural blonde hair does have some red in it so I am never truly without it, I just want to be lazy again without looking like a hot mess. You feel me?
What do you guys think? Excited for a lighter shade on the blog?
photos by Margaret Thombs
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