
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Fate with Cars

Outfit Details:
top: Express
shorts: Loft
shoes: Aldo
sunglasses: Target

As you may be able to discern from the title of this post, my fate with cars is not a tale of unicorns and rainbows. It is more a tale of tears, pounding on the dashboard and phone calls to my mom or boyfriend when I need a ride away from a disaster. 

I do not consider myself an unsafe driver or a madwoman, but somehow disaster follows me when I am in a car, or even if I just own the car. Where to begin.... After college I brought a slightly used Mazda 3, a beautiful sleek machine that drove amazingly; until a stupid truck drove me into the guard rail on 95 N. And I had only had that car for about 4 months :(, our life together ended too soon! 

So unfortunately I had to move on and look for another car, a horrible task when money is limited and your tastes exceed the amount of money available. I eventually settled on a Dodge Caliber. It was comfortable, basic and fit a lot (so great for toting all my kits). Of course this amicable relationship did not last for long, within the first 6 months of having this car came the first expensive repair, this trend continued every 6 months that I owned the car. Within the two and half years that I suffered with this car (granted it did get me to most of my jobs and kept me safe), during a huge storm half of a tree smashed only my car in a driveway full of 5 cars and I got in an accident when my brakes failed, among other little mishaps. 

The most recent incident is what made me decide to finally move the car on.... I was on my way to a last minute photo shoot, when my car started having trouble accelerating. All week I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen, since it had been about 6 months since the last mishap, and not to mention I had broken a mirror. So to continue, I was about a mile away from the location I needed to be at, all the while the problem getting worse and me praying just to be able to get to a parking lot and then deal with it, when the car just stopped working while I was on a hill at a light in a pretty busy intersection. Lovely! Just my luck! Thank goodness Jon was close by and could help with the car while I went off and did the photo shoot (the amazing designer picked me up). Everything worked out in the end, but damn it was a rough afternoon! 

Last week I sold my car to Carmax after getting the clutch replaced (and shelling out $$$$), and am now finally onto a more bright and less messy fate with the cars of my future! 

How are you all with your cars? Destined for trouble? 

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