
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Little Bit of Sprucing Up

top: J Crew; skirt: American Rag; silver bracelet: Zulu's Silver Bangle Bracelet from Emitations c/o; ring: The Alchemy Shop c/o; bag: Aldo

Yesterday I made a lovely trip to Lowe's with my mom to look for some lovely plants to spruce up the entryway to the house. There were so many choices as you can see below, but these Luna Hibiscus' were the perfect companion to compliment the brown exterior of the house. The pots we found were the perfect neutral to let the flowers take center stage. 

The outfit I wore for this outing is one of my favorite types to wear! I love long flowy skirts paired with a simple tank, so comfortable yet it looks like I was trying. The perfect outfit for a relaxing, yet productive day! 

What is your favorite way to spruce up your living space?!

What is you favorite outfit to wear on a relaxing day?


  1. Beautiful minimalist look <3 You styled the striped maxi beautifully. I agree that solid colors was the way to go, so as to not be too distracting. Great job! Beautiful photos, too! This whole post just feels like summer. :D

    By the way, thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I really do appreciate it! You're welcome back any time!

    - Anna

    1. Thank you so much for all of your amazing comments! No problem I love your blog! It always offers entertaining dialogue and great photos!
